Scottish IndyRef2 - Autumn 2020
Nicola Sturgeon has announced her intention to hold a second Independence Referendum in the second half of Autumn 2020:Sturgeon wants Indyref2 in late 2020
The decision can be vetoed by the Westminster Government and also by the Westminster Parliament if English and Welsh MPs vote against it. "Let the people decide" they all cry.
So the people decide, only it's not the outcome they wished for.
There should be a minimum time frame where politicians must respect the people's choice.
With this and Brexit, it feels like democracy is being eroded.
The dog must wag the tail, not the tail wag the dog. So assuming Sturgeon wins an indyref, what's her date for having a referendum on the terms of the deal for leaving? There has been a Holyrood election since the last referendum. Parties promising IndyRef2 won over 50% of seats. They have a mandate however unpalatable that is to some. Seats?what percentage of the popular vote did they get? Hopefully the Scots don't blow it this time. I suspect the detail would form the basis of the first Holyrood election after the vote. Just like our 2017 election saw the main parties with a political consensus to leave the single market.
But not accepted by many, including a certain Ms Sturgeon who insists we must have a second referendum on the deal.
So the precedent is set and she must promise to hold a confirmatory referendum on the independence settlement.
And I say that hoping she wins and England becomes a little more independent. ...until that was overruled by the EU election results   But let’s keep Brexit to the Brexit threads as this is about Scotland.
A confirmatory referendum is of course an option if you vote for a Holyrood Party that’s supports it. I was talking about the need for the electorate to be given an opportunity to change their mind when the details of an independence deal become clear.
Sturgeon has form in stating that people have the right to be consulted directly on subsequent deals after an independence referendum.
Surely you don't think she's a hypocrite who only calls for that when it suits her?