Grenfell Tower Culpability Thread.
IronGiant said: As I mentioned in another thread, out of respect for the dead and missing, this probably isn't a subject we should politicise, for now. Click to expand... Surely it's a time for leadership by our government?I found it shocking that people were left to their own devices after the fire. Yes the council rehoused 44 families, but that's where it ended. Residents complained of no council or local government assistance. There was a total vacuum which again was filled by charities, volunteers and fireman doing overtime from the goodness of their hearts. Isn't this a basic responsibility of a government? We're not a third world country, but expecting volunteers to shelter, feed and clothe people was truly disheartening to see last night. Seems the people who have nothing were picking up the pieces of their neighbours.
Theresa May's response has been compared to George Bush and the disdain of the establishment for poor people. Is this inaccurate?
The Guardian view on Grenfell Tower: Theresa May’s Hurricane Katrina
The Guardian view on Grenfell Tower: Theresa May’s Hurricane Katrina | Editorial What I mean is using a tragedy for point scoring to promote one party over another. Indeed.
There's already enough points scoring going on within the Labour Party.
Let's not stoop to those levels on here Just to be clear, the criticism of the Prime Minster has been led by Michael Portillo, a Conservative and ex-Defence Secretary:
PM 'didn't use humanity' during visit I have to agree, she's flipping useless, that's putting it mildly, zero public persona, seriously found out now. Hunt has now suggested he has some 'Sympathy' with public sector pay restraint,just give them a bloody rise fgs. It's time for the Cons to sense public feeling over the housing, health and education issues and make some positive decisions.. Could be down to her security people. We are still at a serious terror threat, so is it perfectly sensible to chuck the PM into a crowd or angry mob, as nothing could go wrong, all perfectly safe and secure, and wouldn't cause a security nightmare? It's about perception, her actions imply she doesn't care, the general public, will not be aware of the security risks, she is the figure head and it's time for her to lead or she has to leave, now, before this incident damages hers and the Cons reputation irreversibly. Here's Sadiq.
Sadiq Khan confronted on live TV by furious Grenfell Tower residents
An angry crowd has confronted Sadiq Khan on the scene of the Grenfell Tower disaster, demanding answers and urging that the community cannot wait a year for an independent inquiry.
The London Mayor was repeatedly interrupted by frustrated residents as he spoke on live TV on the site of the burnt out building, where at least 17 people died and scores were injured when a fierce blaze ripped through it in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
He began the press conference by saying: “Understandably, residents are very angry and concerned and have genuine questions that demand answers,” but a resident chimed in, saying: “Someone needs to be held accountable. These deaths could have been prevented.” The best form of defence is attack and if she can't get her head around this and start sticking her chin out she's only going to go further and further backwards.
Leaders gotta lead. Corbyn, is beating her to the punch every-time, man of the people, it's all nonsense of course but it's perception, an implication 'I am your leader and I care about you in your hour of need', so what does she do, arrives on the scene in an expensive outfit, looking tired, jaded and detached.. FGS.
Same in the election, the cons just look like a set of shop window dummies.. Leaderships implies power, authority with a gentle hand, not a dithering leader with incompetent advisors..