nabby Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:32

And perhaps that's one thing we should want to change. That MPs should fear (at least a bit) a general election and that having a safe seat shouldn't mean a job for life.It's why we need to modernise Parliament and the electoral system.

Toko Black Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:33

There are Three potential reasons for this:

1) People who voted remain are fundamentally different to people who voted Leave in terms of how they handle and responded to defeat.
This is either down to either Remain attracting significantly more emotive and invested supporters than Leave
2) Remain and Leave had the same levels of emotive and invested supporters, but Remain voters are somehow significantly less able to admit defeat, move on and support or at least not oppose or undermine the process moving forwards.

3) That essentially, Remain and Leave voters shared equal levels of emotive and invested supporters, neither of which were likely to just admit defeat, move on and support or at least not oppose or undermine things moving forwards.
Which ever side garnered the most votes during the referendum, it was highly unlikely that would be the end of it all.
The only difference between the sides and therefore the what would happen after the referendum is the fact that Leave has meant much more further actions to attempt to change from being a member of the EU to Leaving. Had Remain been successful in securing a greater number of votes, there would have been far less if any directly related processes and stages for Leavers to organise around and against.

Of course for poops and giggles it's fun to argue it's 1 or 2 to fit a narrative, but the reality is that 3 is the most rational and reasonable conclusion given the sheer numbers and emotions on both sides being demonstrated continually over the last 3yrs with no signs of ending any time soon.

No idea, I'm not the Prime Minster or even an MP, but I think that maybe I would have attempted to avoid organising something that would focus and highlight those divisions in society to the more extreme levels, like directly pitching them against each other in a competition for votes for example.

apolloa Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:33

This will have a massive impact, not Brexit itself, just the disgraceful way Parliament and the elite establishment have killed it!

You watch people either never voting again, or voting for anyone that isn’t one of the current parties bar UKIP. It will only take a few million of those 17.4 million leave voters to vote this way in the next general election and the main parties will be dead! And I predict this is exactly what will happen. Millions are incredibly angry, and after tonight, we will be forced into a permanent Customs Union we have no say in? I’ll be surprised if their aren’t mass strikes by the people, let alone their voting patterns being different..

Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:33

Well it is a binary question - Do you want to remain in the EU, yes or no - so how would you gauge support one way or the other without a direct choice?

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:34

Without prejudice

Let's assume I agree with 3, the problem with that is that you are talking about neither are likely to admit defeat. Fine. But what you are missing out on is that Remain actually lost and have to admit defeat. The rest is just noice all linked to that indisputable fact.

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:34

I am not sure the without prejudice rule applies to internet forum posts 

On the subject of remain having lost, we can not dismiss the fact that Vote Leave broke electoral rules which must raise a big question mark over the referendum result.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:34

They broke the rules due to a mistake by the commission as I understand, still amazed that the blame goes to them whilst the guidance was sought.

And arguably remain overspent as well, and way more than leave, when you include the Government issued propaganda leaflet to remain, which must raise a big question mark over the referendum result.

lgans316 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:35

Utter nonsense.

How would the spending by BeLeave make any difference when even after that remain spent about £5m more?

If spending was decisive, remain would have won easily.

Trollslayer Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:35

Remainers lost because of millions of Remainers not even bothering to vote under the assumption that Remain would win.

Take London, only 60% voted to Remain when they expected more % to remain. I know few of my colleagues who just headed to work without even caring to vote. They were all remainers and they are to blame for losing the referendum.

And a lot of non-EU immigrants who are on the lower end of the job market voted leave to protect their jobs and business from EU workers.

Just accept the results and move on please.

Iain42 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:35

I didn't have enough information to make a reasonable decision so I didn't vote on the do no harm principle.
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