Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:25

Who cares?

If they'll try to get us out of the EU they've got my vote.

No other content matters.

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:25

I suppose that means they are less likely to be lying then.....

Trollslayer Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:26

I emailed my MP earlier.
I am one of your constituents.

The purpose of writing to you is to express my desire for the UK to proceed and leave the EU on April 12th even without a deal.

I feel extremely let down by the political class in this country. There was a clear view expressed in the referendum, backed up by very clear promises to leave the single market and customs union in the election manifesto from 2017. Labour of course had an almost identical policy, which they have now reneged on.

If the Conservative party similarly reneges on commitments made, I fear for the reaction. While I utterly condemn violence and unrest, I fear the most recent issue with devices left on a train track is a sign of things to come. If people don't believe they can effect change through the ballot box, some will turn to more extreme measures.

In the event of the UK not leaving the EU as promised, I will become a single issue voter and will vote for any party promising the hardest possible exit from the EU. I will not care what other policies they pursue, the only issue I will care about is achieving an exit from the EU.

I'm sure many others will be put off from voting ever again, which I'm sure you will agree is very damaging. But this will just serve to magnify the impact of voters like myself who will be committed and passionate supporters of leaving on the hardest possible terms.

I have signed the petition today to support leaving and will be urging my friends to do the same.

Petition: Leave the EU Without a deal on April 12th.

I very much hope you will support leaving and will convince your colleagues to do the same.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:27

What a lovely email. I am sure some staffer will read it and craft you some warm but empty words back.Or they might just add you to some sort of watchlist given the implied threats within.

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:27

You are a very scary person.

I honestly think that stance is worse than being a Right Wing Extremist yourself.

Trollslayer Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:27

Things are turning around from the 2008 banking disaster but there is no way we can leave the EU without harming the economy and the people.
Trade agreements can only be negotiated after the final decision has been made and at that point we will not have a lot of leverage.

Greg Hook Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:28

Perhaps I’m naive, I’d still like to see the good in people and appreciate the high frustrations by some surrounding the perverted frustration of the brexit process.

Me personally couldn’t ever vote for a single issue regardless of what the other policies are. However I can comprehend the expression as part of frustration to it all.

I just hope that when it comes down to it, normal moderate parties will continue to fight on that ticket as well.

Trollslayer Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:28

Implied threats?

Despite my unequivocal condemnation of any violence or disruption?

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:29

I think you make it fairly clear where your support is likely to end up...

Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:09:30

Not with violence or unrest. As I've consistently made clear.
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