Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:46
Wasn't that date set by triggering Article 50, not the referendum?But based on all his pre-arranged with RT, YouTube set piece speeches in that Parliament, would anyone believe that?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:47
Not been impressed with what I have seen about The Brexit Party so far.I have asked them questions by email which have been ignored.I posted on their Facebook page that questions that I and others have asked remain unanswered - I got an email back claiming to have never seen the emails - asking me to send again which I did and still not answered - plus my most of my question was in the Facebook post, they could have answered there as they had clearly seen that one.
Content on their web page is thin and has hardly been updated since early February.
But like @krish,because I asked a question, I get regular emails from them asking me to donate.I even responded to one asking "why should I donate when you ignore my questions" - they responded with another email asking for a donation.
So I'm afraid it looks little more than a façade, maybe it's growing but there aren't really showing any signs.I feel it is just a mechanism to get Nigel F re-elected as MEP, nothing more.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:47
Not saying that I believe it.Just that there are hundreds of MPs who have played games to get their way, regardless of what that means to the electorate and the nation.They all have feeble excuses, just saying that Nigel F is no different.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:47
Ironically, as a Brexiter, some of the MPs will be very surprised how unimpressed with them I am.They have done just as much to scupper Brexit as the Labour whip.
Who am I talking about? The ERG and the DUP.Their failure to compromrise has pretty much destroyed any chance of Brexit happening, or happening in a semi-decent way.
The May deal isn't perfect, but it was pretty clear that it was the best we were going to get.Pushing for a 'No-Deal' was pure fantasy, never going to happen.Yes the May deal has the backstop, but the EU don't want it any more than we do.We should have taken it and then worked on a solution for the Irish border.The ERG and DUP destroyed any chance of that happening and have possibly consigned Brexit to fail completely.I have no time for any of them.
Greg Hook
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:47
Whether you are remain or leave I can’t see anyone being happy with any MP at the moment. Full of self interests.
They talk about compromise but their idea of compromise is getting everyone else to agree to what they exactly want.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:47
This encapsulates the problem in a nutshell - Brexit was never defined.Some on here would have you believe that Brexit means 'No deal'.Very few Brexiteers like May's deal and/or a Customs Union and/or Single Market access because "its not Brexit" (even though it is).This si why I think the matter may well end up as a People's Vote - because if the politicians can't decide then the people will have to.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:48
Love the way that remainer is telling us what Brexit should;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:10:48
Well, no two Brexiteers can seemingly come up with the same definition so who else is going to do it?