richp007 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:24

Is that one of their official policies? 

The SNP are gonna get closer to delivering independence than Farage is gonna get to delivering Brexit....

Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:25

The SNP have been trying for 80 years to deliver independence - meanwhile the Union chugs on regardless..

nheather Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:26

But you could say the same about UKIP - they got lots of votes and under a PR system they might have fared okay, but in real terms they never acheived much presence in the HoC and yet people claim that they forced the referendum.

I suppose you could could consider the EU elections as a 'current will of the people' barometer.Remainers claim that people who voted to leave no longer have any apetite for Brexit, "they didn't know what they were voting for and now they have seen the reality, they have changed their minds".So if that is true we will see a significant majority of MEPs being Remainers and in that case that might make the government more comfortable with a second referendum.But equally it might show it is still pretty even or that Leave has a bigger lead.

So it is a way to judge the current feelings of the nation.



Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:27

Staggers on...

I don't know if the SNP will ever achieve independence but I think they are edging closer and closer to achieving it. I also think Westminster has aided them especially with the Brexit farce. Certainly as someone who campaigned hard for No! last time, if there was a new referendum tomorrow I would abstain.

nheather Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:27

I can sort of imagine them voting for it.Can you then imagine them trying to deliver it.Bet they won’t want a hard border.Guess they will want to keep the pound.Last time there would have been arguments over who gets the oil, this time it isn’t worth anything, in fact costs more to recover then they sell it for - sure eventually it will be worth something but doesn’t help them now.Besides aren’t the SNP against fossil fuels.They don’t want nuclear submarines, but that’s fine because the UK won’t build or base its ships in another country so they will lose that revenue.Bet they will still want the £2,650 per head subsidy - although they can’t ask for that because Krankie has said on record that England does not subsidise Scotland.Scotland would find itself in poor financial shape unable to meet the conditions to join the EU.

Know lots of great Scots people, would prefer Scotland to stay as part of the UK, but fed up of SNP whining so for that get the vote done and fudge off.



Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:28

Unfortunately many Scots, whilst knowing and liking many great English people, are fed up of the Tories whining and mucking up both countries hence why the independence movement is so strong.

Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:28

Easy way for the Scots to gain Independence - let the English vote..

EarthRod Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:29

I think you'll find what people say (especially in polls) and how they vote are not always related.

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:30

Nigel Farage under fire over'antisemitic tropes' on far-right US talkshow


SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 21:45:31

Ignoring the Jew baiting because, well, it's Nigel, so what do you expect?This isn't news.

What caught my eye was his dismissal of climate change as a "scam".

Dismissing global warming should immediately disqualify any candidate from political office, and if already in post, they should be fired.We are 20 years past this being a political debating point, the only political divergence should be on the various options to tackle it.
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