I can sort of imagine them voting for it. Can you then imagine them trying to deliver it. Bet they won’t want a hard border. Guess they will want to keep the pound. Last time there would have been arguments over who gets the oil, this time it isn’t worth anything, in fact costs more to recover then they sell it for - sure eventually it will be worth something but doesn’t help them now. Besides aren’t the SNP against fossil fuels. They don’t want nuclear submarines, but that’s fine because the UK won’t build or base its ships in another country so they will lose that revenue. Bet they will still want the £2,650 per head subsidy - although they can’t ask for that because Krankie has said on record that England does not subsidise Scotland. Scotland would find itself in poor financial shape unable to meet the conditions to join the EU.
Know lots of great Scots people, would prefer Scotland to stay as part of the UK, but fed up of SNP whining so for that get the vote done and fudge off.
Nigel |