Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:08
So what - have schools got less money in real terms than 4 years ago to spend on children yes or no ?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:09
He's certainly out there imho but apparently has a large audience
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:09
Yes, that's what makes him particularly damaging. The Trump supporters love him and belive everything he says.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:11
Ask the people who have called him anti-Semitic?I simply copied the statement out of the linked article and linked to the a similar twitter post supporting the allegation.
Edit - If you read the tweet at that start of that thread there are other examples;
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:12
So if nobody can explain why his appearances have been antisemitic it seems to be just the normal Cadwallader codswallop that she has made a career of.
Slagging off George Soros for interfering in the internal politics of foreign nations is hardly unusual - but I suppose a bit more accurate than her usual rubbish like when she was convinced that Arron Banks and Andy Wigmore used a ski trip to the Italian Alps as cover for a secret plot to convince the Italian ‘fascist’ government to block an extension of Article 50.
With Cadwallader around who needs conspiracy theories..
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:13
As weavie posted earlier, they've been associated for quite some time, just as he is with RT. All the places with the same (anti-Semitic) Globalist World Order Soros Rothschild trope bullsh*t for tinfoilers, Trump supporters, and dumbfudges.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:14
Ah ok, so accusations of Farage using Anti-Semitic tropes/conspiracy theories suggesting Israeli interference in US politics, backed up by actual video of him using them, is just conspiracy theories themselves and should be ignored, but similar accusations towards other people, who don't agree with your Brexit ideology, are immediately taken at face value and regurgitated ad-hominem?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:15
Of course. Because around here anything anti-Brexit is to be immediately ignored and regarded as a conspiracy theory.
Cadwalladr has done some very good journalistic investigation into a lot of activities surrounding Farage and his cronies. Some of which is still unanswered. They constantly attack and try and discredit her, so it does make you wonder why they bother to do this if she's just a crackpot tin-foiler.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:15
Well you failed to answer the first time so I'll try again - where is the antisemitism?
Jones: Why is the left allied with radical Islam? Farage: Because they hate Christianity. They want to get rid of the nation state. The globalist project is to get rid of it & replace it with a new world order
Simply repeating the opinion of someone has barmy as Carole Cadwallader doesnt really move the discussion any further forward.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:46:15
Yes indeed - like the time she 'exposed' Ch4's Brexit film as a being financed by Len Blavatnik who (apparently) is a “Trump donor & Putin chum” and then complained about an “absence of basic facts” in the movie
One of the basic facts that she missed was that Mr Blavatnik was a Remain donor in the referendum..
face it the womans batty..
Edit: - Oh and we wont raise the idea she floated about paid Tory Trolls and Cambridge Analytica were fabricating Labour anti-semitic messages on twitter in an effort to smear Labour..