Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:40
I'll happily admit to not knowing much about the subject of Anti-semitism and the Labour party, but I do have an intense dislike of numbers being (ab)used to make a point.
I am totally filled with dread by the state of politics in this country.But given that I don't feel motivated enough to do anything about it, I'm not totally sure I have much right to complain about it, either.
I'm just going to lock myself in the cinema room 'til it is all over.Can someone come and get me in 10 years or so? 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:40
I assume that's aimed at me?
Hah, you sound just like the Daily Mail or the Sun, only they do it in a more subtle way.
It's quite laughable.
Anti semitism often gets picked on, but Labour are not alone with this sort of problem.
You'll be telling me the tories love foreigners of any sort next.
Well, they do I suppose, if they have lots of money.
It's exactly your sort of debate that makes me not give a toss anymore.
No, better still, I'll just ignore you.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:41
First off, meeting and discussing things with the IRA or the PLO does not necessarily imply sympathyor collusion with enemies, but is a first step in negotiating a settlement or a reduction in hostilities. WW I & II were both ended following meetings between the German and British High Commands. Jeremy Corbyn did most of the groundwork and isthat resulted in the Good Friday Agreement .As in most things political these days, it is all false news and political interference. In Corbyn's case it is all down to interference in British politics by Israel. Secret filming of events at the 2016 Labour Party conference showed the Israeli Ambassador and embassy officials hatching plans to discredit Corbyn for his criticism of Israel. interferences
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:41
Seriously, that's the best you've got? "You sound like the sun" and " Tory's are waaaacist" not everything revolves around skin colour and the fact you resort to sound bites for your argument says everything about you.lol. everythings actually there in front of your face about Corbyn (not in the papers) but then being a brainless drone and not being able to figure much out makes you a perfect labour supporter. Congratulations, your a ****.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:41
I can't talk for everyone else, but I dislike JC and LAbour because they moved the party away from the center ground and provided no genuine opposition to the conservatives who themselves have dropped the ball on numerous occasions.
When you have Borris Johnson promising to remove the freeze on benefits cap, you know that something has gone terribly wrong in politics.
But it's Brexit issue that has really pushed a lot of these parties to breaking point, exposing weaknesses and an inability to lead. There will be no winners at the end of all this.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:41
Corbyn, a Labour back bencher, was responsible for the GFA? Or am I reading that last sentence wrong?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:41
The anti-Corbyn comments here simply repeating the unfounded stories in the media is further evidence that if you repeat something in the media long enough people will accept it as true.
Corbyn has spent a long time fighting against injustice and racism in its various forms but somehow he's anti-semitic. It's laughable.
He fights for equality for the ordinary man, but the ordinary man says he looks funny and has weird ideas.
Just to address a couple of things, how exactly has the nuclear option helped us out or our economy? Has it made us safer? Are we better than countries that don't have it? Yes it gives us a seat at the security council etc but it doesn't put food on my table. So the rich and wealthy are going to run away if labour win, and the country will go downhill? Ah, that old chestnut. They won't go anywhere and it's all empty threats. Also anyone that is happy to make their money here but not happy to pay their taxes here (whatever level is set) is the real danger to our way of life and the real benefit cheat. Also, what about the racism and islamophobia in the tory party and with Boris? Sajid Javid felt it was an issue sometime ago, but now he's in government its not an issue anymore. The hypocrisy is laughable. Anyway, I'll be labelled a communist and terrorist lover shortly.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:42
No Jeremy, your input is more than welcome. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:42
So your auguement is that media has overplayed antisemitism in the labour party , nothing to see there . Then use the same trope to attack the Conservatives on islamophobia. Is this not the actualdefinition of hypocrisy ?
You can't see fault in your party of choice ?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:42
Before agreements you have to have discussions...
“The sticking point of the process concerned ‘prisoner release’; it was Corbyn who advised Mowlam to visit H block to talk directly with prison reps whilst both Corbyn and his staff worked on the anomalies of prisoner release for months at a time.
It’s a matter of record that Mo Mowlam personally asked for Corbyn to help in the peace process when it stalled in the initial stages of Blair’s government.
"It's a matter of record that Mo Mowlam personally asked for Corbyn to help in the Northern Ireland Peace Process" - Nye Bevan News