Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:48
Too many sides, parties and posts mentioned to follow what your point is...
Just to be clear I don't support the labour party. And noting that they, as they said they would, had an inquiry, while the Conservatives did not do as they said they would and haven't had an inquiry is not taking sides.
What is noticeable in the difference in the media exposure given to anti-semitism claims within Labour compared to Islamaphobia wihin the Conservative party. Some of the stories like this one are straining the bounds of credibility. Allegedly took place in March 2018 but is reported for the first time in November 2019 just before an election. And reportedly only heard by the Buzzfeed journalist but not by others on the bus.
The incident happened on the evening of Thursday March 15 2018. This reporter was sitting behind Carden and McGinn on a private bus back to London from Cheltenham races. Also present were other Labour MPs as well as MPs from other parties.
As he and Labour colleagues played music from their phones throughout the two-and-a-half hour ride back to the capital, Carden — a lifelong campaigner on equalities issues — repeatedly sang the chorus of “Hey Jude”, replacing the word “Jude” with “Jews”.
When the chorus reached the word “Jude”, Carden chanted at the top of his voice: “Jews, Jews, Jews”.
A Senior Labour Politician Sang “Hey Jews” To The Song “Hey Jude”
The chorus of of Hey Jude has only one sequence where Jude could be multiply replaced by Jews without buggering up the singalong. And if you listen to the original song, Paul McCartney seems to be singing Jew (Ju) himself to my ears: 03.59 onwards
Ju, Ju, Jude, Jude Judeh, Judeh whoa
and at 04.11
Ju, Ju, Ju, Ju, Ju
This was a coach full of journalists and MPs. If anyone genuinely believed any antisemitic behaviour had taken place, they would’ve had a moral responsibility to report it immediately . He questioned why Buzzfeed had only been published the piece “when a general election is imminent”, rather than in March 2018 when the incident was alleged to have occurred.
Buzzfeed.........did not explain why it previously chose not to publish the story.
Corbyn to investigate claims shadow minister sang ‘Hey Jews’ over ‘Hey Jude’ lyrics
Sounds to me more like a perhaps drunken slurring of the word Jude by a scouser being misheard, misinterpreted, and misreported. It would fall into the category of not proven unless a lot of other people on the bus suddenly come forward to support the story with one or more luckily having a recording of the song being sung they've just remembered was on their phone for the last 20;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
a 2014 Pew Research Center survey found that in the United States, BuzzFeed was viewed as an unreliable source by the majority of respondents, regardless of age or political affiliation
But this is not the first time this song has been involved in controversy
Paul McCartney had no idea anybody would associate the now iconic Beatles song “Hey Jude” with the Jews. That was, until he got a very angry phone call. But one day in 1968, McCartney said, “I got this furious phone call from this guy, Mr. Leon, who was Jewish, he said: ‘What are you doing, how dare you do this.’” The singer added that “In Hitler’s day, in the Nazi thing, ‘Juden raus’ meant Jews out. And I didn’t connect.”
Paul McCartney: 'Hey Jude' isn't about the Jews
Carden could thus have replaced Jude with Juden if he had wanted to be particularly insulting...
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:48
How can you be "brainwashed" when it is dubious its possible at all?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:48
Ooh look, its Farage,,, 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:49
This crazy! He is not an old Idealistic fool, he is not an antisemitic, he did not support the IRA, he is incapable of telling a lie and he is the ONLY candidate who can save this country, the NHS and it's people from the grip of the USA.
It really does annoy me when people make assumptions on the lies that have been told by the right wing media and the Tories. Do you know for example how many times Boris has lie to you? Every bloody time he opens his mouth. Really come on open your eyes people.
BTW hes not a Trotskyist nor a communist and the 60's and the 70's? Best time ever to be young, plenty of work good wages and proper working conditions. 1980's trouble with unions, borrowing out of control, war with Argentina, blackouts three day week and the EU. now that's Tory life for you!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:49
He actually said "I'm happy to commemorate ALL who have died in the conflict in Northern Ireland" after that the Tories were Finally voted out and we got back some for of normality with Labour and it was Corbyn who brokered the idea of getting a peace agreement.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:49
Your post?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:49
I'm sorry; 'he's incapable of lying'?
Mistake with a lot of these arguments is suggesting that he's a) some sort of infalable Saint, and b) that by seeing him for what he is we must suddenly be right wing lovers.
Go and spend some time talking to the Jewish communities before you paint him as some sort of miss judged santa. If the behaviour of the heads of his party was targeted at any other community there would be outrage and he'd be at the front shouting about how shocking it is. Can you imagine how he'd react to another party being investigated like the Labour party now is.
If you cannot take on board many concerns from your own MPs and members, many of whom have left specifically due to his behaviour and belief's then I worry even more about the possibility of a Corbyn led government in power. The lack of ability to self assess and tackle issues within the party is staggering.
Left wing populism is as dangerous as right wing populism.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:50
There are times when some posts deserve a funny, but you daren’t use one in case of a warning. That post was one of them. I know Jesse is on Twitter, I thought he may have set up an account here as well 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:50
Agreed, and my post was somewhat borne of frustration. However, those opinions you mention are not opinions formed from any facts or even evidence, but from parroting the BS you get in the Times, Torygraph, Sun etc, and as such are not worthy of respect. There, I said it, those who come out with the old "he laid a wrath at the graves of jew-killers", "he hates the UK" are just silly.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:50
Thank you.......
Best. Joke. Ever!
Someone get this man a comedy award!