Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:45
Anyway on topic, he seemed to have some decent ideas and seemed different to other politicians when he became leader but he is limited (has he ever had a proper job) and seems to only be able to protest and some of ideas are pure fantasy. Scrapping all uni fees and reimbursing others was never going to work, cant believe students fell for it. To be honest I think he is a puppet to unions, momentum and john mcdonnel, and is never going to be PM (thankfully).
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:45
That's a superb link.
And still people ask if the media are making our minds up.
The biggest problem for the people, is the people, to my mind.
We can't see what's in front of our eyes.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:45
Of course you are!  And you think everyone is the same as you? Plenty of people are complaining about the state the country is in with homelessness, working people suffering on Universal Credit, kids going to school hungry, the disabled being denied PIP, the economy heading off a cliff due to the uncertainty over Brexit while the Prime Minister blatantly lies in their faces and yet....the Tories will win again because that's the sensible party to vote for as opposed to the man who says he wants to stop all that!
Turkeys voting for Christmas...AGAIN! And why? Because Corbyn is (apparently) no leader! Makes perfect sense!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:46
Where have you people been for the last 4 years?If only we had known//
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:46
Christ, I never thought I'd see this conversation on AVforums.
Seriously, I'm sick of asking people their evidence that Corbyn - a well-documented life-long anti-racist - is an antisemite. It's laughable. On the other hand, there's plenty evidence that he is not, that he's a friend of the jews and also that Labour is anything but antisemitic (see HoC report from 2017 for one thing, 0.06% level of AS within membership (way lower than populous and waaaay lower than the tories).
And if you think bringing the highest tax levels back to what they have been from the 50's til the 80's, and you want to see all these rich people getting richer and poor getting poorer, then go for your life, but I for one reserve the right to call you a despicable individual, or a fool, or just very easily led.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:46
His anti-Semitism is nothing to with criticism of Israel but perpetuating old anti-Semitic tropes/canards, as he did with his support of that mural and his gushing foreword in a reprint of an early 20th century book featuring that sh*t too (Imperialism: A Study by John Atkinson Hobson).
I also mentioned earlier that he was receiving disproportionate criticism in relation to others ... well I've frequently mentioned Farage totally doing the same sh*t, though he's not as dumb as Corbyn in that he knows full well what he's doing and also uses coded language. His relationships and support of the anti-Semitic/neo-Nazi AfD, FN, FPÖ, Orbán et al along with his regular pushing of those old conspiracy tropes on Alex Jones' Infowars make him far far worse than Corbyn. Worse still are those hypocrites disingenuously slamming Corbyn over it, while defending or praising Farage over the same sh*t.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:47
Yeah, these annoying commies, objecting to things like privatisation, wars in the Middle East etc.
Maybe you should do more objecting?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:47
Couple that with the fact that according to some it's outrageous now to vote for a Corbyn led-Labour, yet okay in the name of Brexit to vote for a Farage led Brexit party, you can pretty much see why there's always a stench of napalm in the air.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:47
Your frustration is understandable.
However, personal opinions and like/dislike of personal political stance is something we all have to live with and maybe show a certain amount of respect for other peoples' opinions.
Name calling is not an argument and only indicates an attitude of entrenchment.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:42:47
Farage never supported anyone who attacked my barracks. Twice.