Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:47
As I suggested in the other thread, it's an advantage to be gained. I expect nothing less.
But Johnson threatening to pull the bill altogether over it? Pathetic.
But it's a moot point now anyway 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:47
Corbyn playing 9th vs 12th...... Pathetic (as BBC saying just now too). Political gaming.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:47
The point I was making is that by joining the army at 16 and seeing it through until you reach combat age shows a level of maturity and responsibility.I don't see there being a lot of difference between 16, 17, and 18 year old's. The brain doesn't fully mature until you hit your 20's going by the latest research. If you want to get into the neuroscience side of things, might have to raise the voting age to 30 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:48
I know about 3 who joined after leaving school. All didn't have grades good enough to go further education and was an easy option for them, nothing to do with maturity. I'm not saying this applies to all.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:48
30 is too high, but I think there is a stronger case for raising the age than dropping it. 21 would be reasonable, though I'm happy with the status quo.
Let's have a royal commission on the whole subject rather than leave it to politicians trying to gerrymander things to suit themselves.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:48
If tobacco was just brought out tomorrow to be sold it would be illegal.
Alcohol at 18 is also a touchy subject in certain parts of Europe legal age is below 18.
I've given my u18 children wine at dinner I'm sure many others have.
I've always given choice and and a reason that if they really want to drink alcohol then they can do so at home in small moderation.
For me it gives them some ownership over alcohol.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:49
I think 18 is the perfect age as a person is considered fully adult then, responsible totally for their own actions.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:49
We were discussing it with our 16 year old, yesterday, that it's bizarre you can smoke tobacco in public from 16, but not buy it until 18. Same as drinking with food from 16 in public but not buying it until 18.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:49
I know a few who had their hearts set on joining the armed forces, a few did and others ended up doing other things.
That was a joke, if we raise the voting age to 21 then we'd have to raise it on alcohol etc as well. The voting age will either stay as it is or it will be lowered.
Our entire democracy needs an overhaul, I think we can all agree (no matter which way you voted) that Brexit has shown the fractures and flaws in our democracy. I'd want to see Royal commissions and citizens assemblies looking at the voting age, the constitution (unwritten vs written), devolution for England and House of Lord's reform to name but a few things.
The Tories are the ones who really don't want to lower the voting age to 16 as it means they'll have to stop coasting and appeal to younger generations.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:40:49
I don't know if I have the stomach to vote as democracy has ended up unimportant in this country now. I watched thatcranky Nicola Sturgeon harping on about how there should be another vote on Brexit and almost within the same breath state not letting Scotland vote for independence again was un democratic...WTF are these people on ?