Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:04
Book club? Do you mean the Bloomsbury ones I have? I've bought a few, just ones where I was interested in reading them but not enough that I was going to pay for the originals. I really like having the proper editions but as I think I said before, I'm not really 'collecting' collecting them as such so I don't really worry about buying reprints for some of the volumes I don't really feel like paying out £20for. If I was a real collector I'd not have bought the two paperbacks either!
Wouldn't mind a proper edition of British Mammals but I think I'd rather put the money towards a proper copy of the later volume, Mammals in the British Isles.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:05
To me they are. The signature is fine, but they are they stuck into a book that was never presented to be signed in the first place. I can think of an analogy to come it to, but I have quite a few paperbacks signed from Gemmell that I have passed on over the years and could have cut his signature out and stuck it to another book if I wanted to and dressed it up as a 'plate'.
Its just wrong, and more so when the last Troy book was being sold on ebay with a plate, Gemmell had died before the last book was finished, let alone published.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:06
Smurfin, I am blaming you (and Nick actually for moaning about my Gemmell Website not being up to date ) for the amount of books I have bought in the last six weeks or so.
David Gemmell Drenail Tales Vol 2 (Signed)David Gemmell Drenail Tales Vol 1 (Signed)Ben Aaronovitch - Whispers Underground (Signed)
Waiting for:
Mark Lawrence* - Prince of Thorns (Signed and Lined)Mark Lawrence - Book 2 (Signed 250 limited edition from Golosboro Books)Ben Aaronovitch - Rivers of London (1st Hardback)**Ben Aaronovitch - Moon over Soho (1st hardback)**
* I noticed it in Smurfins post, then had a quick google and found this review and so started looking for a copy for myself.
Elitist Book Reviews: Prince of Thorns
"Well. Geez. I know who is getting my vote for the John W. Campbell Award this year. And the David Gemmell Morningstar Award.
I'd heard so much about Mark Lawrence's PRINCE OF THORNS. In fact, I'd heard so much that I was starting to fall into the "There is so much hype that it is bound to be terrible" camp. I finally caved and went out and bought the novel. And holy Didn't catch that the first time? Let me restate that. Holy Fraking Crap! This novel was AWESOME!"
** I already have these in hardback, but the first book is not a 1st, and the 2nd was a bit damaged - they were picked up cheaply from ebay though, I think I only paid £4 postage for the pair.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:07
:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 was your fault in the first place for getting me interested in signed 1st/1sts.How much did you pay for Prince of Thorns?
I've ordered the next one from Goldsboro too, but I've just checked my order and for some reason I have 5 'm tempted to leave it as it is, as I have a feeling he's going to be big, and Prince of Thorns goes for a sum despite being out for less than a year.
How much did you get whispers of the underground for out of interest?Can't believe you got the other two for £4! 
Must admit I'm finding that auction style listings is where it's at for books.I need a 1st/1st signed and dated Locke Lamora, and I missed out on a mint one yesterday which went for £57, missed out on a Prince of Thorns and The Heroes too which went for reasonable prices.The trouble is I've literally spent £00s this month, so I was bidding reluctantly (  ) as I know I've spent too much...
Thing is, I've justified it as I quit smoking a month ago, but this new habit is turning out even more expensive! (though better for you )
Theydon - you have one hell of alot to answer for 
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:07
Was you bidding on the signed lined Lawrence book on ebay as well that finished Sunday? I was winning at one point for £13 (max at £20) and it went for £28 I think. I then checked last night, and someone had posted a signed lined for BN at £30, so I grabbed it as some people are already charging £40 , and £75for the limited edition runs.
The 2nd Lawrence books is £16? from Golsboro as a pre-order, but could be £75 by christmas based on the first book.
Whispers Underground I paid £11.99 from Forbidden Planet, he did a signing there on 21st June, but I was in Cornwall. I went in there a few weeks back and they had some signed so I grabbed one.
The other two books Folly books I just paid about £20 (for the pair, not ea), winning the other day so waiting delivery.
I have justified my recent purchases on a) acting manager postion, b) a little private job that should pay for all the books bar the Gemmells. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:08
I was..went to £23.Would have gone higher to win it, but like I say I've spent too much.Still tempted by this one:
...but ultimately, that ends up being £44 with postage! 
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:09
I would have bought one of those in a shot mate. Pull the trigger now....
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:10
My Prince of Thorns has just arrived, was surprised to see it's almost like a trade paperback in size.Is yours the same?
omg I really need to stop buying books.As well as the monster pile of signed 1st/1sts I've bought in the last month, I've got about 40 books in my amazon wishlist (mainly paperbacks).That's probably on top of the 300 or so in my TBR pile  think the book addiction has taken the place of DVDs/BluRays... 
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:11
Mine came yesterday as well and yes the hardback is smaller than normal. It's smaller than the Aaronovitch books as well and they are smaller than Pratchett, Abercrombie or Gemmell
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:21:12
Come on then, add some pics to 'Get your bookcase out for the lads' 