Zafira B cdti climate control problem
Hello all ,Picked up an 08 zafira cdti elite last week .
No matter what we do we can't get it to blow out cold air .
Setting it on low or 16 degrees still blows out warm airNot just air from out side either, it feels heated . It's the same temp as if it was set hi at 28 degrees.
Air con is on according to the controls display.
Does it just need regasing or dies it sound like something more in depth.?
Picture of the unit type below ....
Vauxhall dealer said try disconnecting the battery and then reconnecting after half hour to see if it clears any control problem.
I am not convinced though....
Any help would be appreciated . Thanks. Is that auto or manual air conditioning? Has it had the heater recall done? Most likely a regas.Take it to an aircon specialist and they will diagnose the issue.Probably won't cost more than £40-60 for a diagnosis and a top up.Just topping it up at Halfords will cost nearly that and you'd be wasting money if it's something more serious.. Heater recal done today by main dealer .
Heater works fine now .. Just no cool air at all .
It's electronic climate control, so automatic, I think... The "auto" button, and that you can set it to low,16 to 28 makes it sound like full climate control.Older cars often need topping up every year BTW. Woukd low gas make the air hot no Matter what setting? No it would just be warm ambient temperature. If it's had the recall done then take it back as they've clearly messed something up. Most like the hot/cold actuator stuck or broken so its always diverting air over the heater matrix. The problem with that is that I took it straight back today and they said its nothing they have done . They replaced the resistor and motor and added some sort of moulding. They said nothing they would have done would have caused this problem .
The problem is I can't prove it as the Mrs didn't check the aircon when she bought it.
The place we bought it from removed the resistor unit as they found out about the recal , and we're going to do the job them sleeves but didn't have the part .
Mrs then decided we would get main dealer to do it so we took it to main dealer with the resistor already out.
Gonna be problem this isn't it. .. I can just see it ... You... bought... another... Zafira...
Sorry, can't help 
Seriously though, I think the heater issue is different from the aircon issue.Now you have had the recall done can you take it back to where you bought it from and ask them to sort out the aircon? I didn't buy it .. I didn't want it .. But you know women!
I think that's the plan .. Yo take it back to the place we bought itbut I am not sure if that's gonna help .
We did get a warrantybut I doubt it covers aircon ..