Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:42
I think wezzy is saying the brake pipe work could be above board (but not necessarily) and potentially more a misunderstanding/miscommunication than fraud, other than the need to be re-bled.The wheel nuts and steering wheel still need sorting, but to me it's looking less like a matter for the courts than for Ford UK to tell the dealer to pull their socks up.Your call, obviously 
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:42
Agreed @IronGiant, the steering issue is because the tracking hasn't been done after the wishbone bushes were replaced, and the wheel nut issue would not have arisen if the correct procedure was followed upon refitting the wheels.
Personally i would be onto Ford Uk highlighting the severe safety issues that the missing wheel nut could have caused(as i really dont believe that the nuts have even seen a torque wrench after fitment).
And the fact that after such repairs ,its common practice to roadtest the vehicle ,and this would have highlighted the steering issue, in reality it looks like the job has been rushed through !!
Unfortunately this is all to common with main dealers in my experience
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:43
Thanks, @wezzywebb as you say the whole thing has probably been rushed, and whilst it could have been done on the whole correctly it equally could not have been. Whilst it might not be a case of fraud (I'll leave that to the lawyer to judge), I cant say I'm happy about it all so I'm going to proceed with legal action.
Whilst Ford of Britain response is now excellent and cant be faulted, Ford UK response was lacking (thought the two were the same on earlier posts ), so without legal action, I can't help but wonder if Ford of Britain would just rather close the book and forget about it rather than deal with it. The dealership in question isn't small by any means. Could be wrong, but I would never know one way or another.
Much will depend on the response from the dealership as to how far this goes and the approach taken, but the only way to find that out is to send a lawyers letter.
Thankfully i have been putting money aside every month to buy shares for rainy days such as this so I have the money, it's an awful time to sell, but hey ho .
Your points raised have been very helpful so i have sent amended instructions to the lawyer saying to hire an expert witness to check the work done by the dealership, things billed for etc. Naturally i will wait for the reply 1st as all will depend on that.
I appreciate that all of this is sounding OTT (@IronGiant :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7) but I'm very much a man of principles and as a result, I intend to fully get to the bottom of all of this regardless of the cost  for that legal action is the best and imo the only way.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:44
I've never told you not to do it, just to be careful :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:45
Got a fresh fault on the van  don't know if it's related to work done and has only started today.
When in idle the engine is now revving, not by much but still noticeable. Rev needle goes from 1 to 1 1/4 to 1 and so on. Does it either when I 1st start the engine or 30 seconds or so after starting. Could understand if the engine is cold, but even if it lukewarm it does the same.
Any ideas?
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:45
Does it settle down?If so I wouldn't worry about it.
If they didn't do any work on the engine it seems unlikely to be related.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:46
...well the Serviced it as well .... 
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:46
Did they? I missed that, thanks.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:46
Yep, serviced, fuel filter changed, fuel cleaner put in as I was told that the fuel was dirty. Air conditioning serviced etc. Nothing major (unlike last year ) but work was done on the engine.
Could be unrelated or not so, it's suspicious timing, but that doesn't mean anything in its self
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:47:46
Flick me, I'd drive that to the nearest Ford Dealer offering scrappage discount, cut your losses. Before the LBC bill ya for your regularisation certificate