Indeed. Thank **** for the other three channels though. If I had to watch the main channel with their advert breaks every 2 minutes I would go mad. Very poor by C4, lets hope they never get any sporting event ever again.
I was there yesterday as well and it was empty then but I thought I've heard them present from there (presumably) at some points since Wednesday although most of it has been relegated to Sports Extra so perhaps it's being done from Salford/the venues.
Interesting how people's perceptions of C4 have changed by this (and the Ortis Deley saga last year) considering how well regarded their test cricket coverage was. I wonder what reaction the BBC's proposed more limited but ad-free coverage would of got.
Obviously their next big event is The Grand National.
I know it's not a channel 4 problem but am quite disappointed by the lack of coverage of other sports. The other feeds only seem to show cycling/swimming/athletics and completely ignoring sports like archery, shooting, boccia etc. Apparently the IPC broadcasting haven't got OB units at any of these events so all we get to see is very limited highlights and are missing out on seeing Brits winning medals.
Channel 4 actually sent their own OB unit to cover the rowing (or so I've been told) today just so we could see it. But as someone that wants to get involved with a sport I was looking forward to seeing them and how easy or hard they a to take part in.
Yeah C4 have had to send out their 'own' cameras to supplement the lack of coverage from OBS who I believe aren't' covering (or at least not live) the archery, boccia, goalball, equestrianism, marathon and rowing.