I wouldn't overthink it too much. I have always enjoyed photography at a very small level and got a little bit more serious about 8 years ago. I have enjoyed it but at times I would not take photos for a while. My domestic situation changed a little over a year ago with failed marriage etc etc so my mood wasn't fantastic and 2018 had less photos in my lightroom library than previous years until I got to go on safari, at which point it bulked up significantly.
A friend asked me to digitize old slides recently, photos from years back of her and her family. While I was doing it I again realized how great photography is and how nice it is to have all these old memories. She went on to print them and was delighted to have them. I realize people photograph on phones constantly now, but to have a photo that you can look at in 20,30 even 40 years time is something else. Probably most phone photos wont last beyond a device upgrade.
You have posted excellent photos here, if it becomes that it is of less interest to you going on, so be it, we all change. You will likely always take the odd photo though, and at least through experience will likely take nice memories from what you've learned through the interest you had in the hobby |