The ergonomic issues with the EOS R for me stem from the touch bar. Its a royal pain in the butt!
You can have exposure compensation set to the rear dial, but it only works after half pressing the shutter.. its not permanently active, and it also doesn't have an option to reset exposure compensation automatically when powering off the camera.
Everything on the EOS R takes a few seconds to think about how to achieve it, with numerous combinations of buttons and screen touches to get there... which often means pulling the camera away from my eye and missing the shot.
Also, the menu and power buttons are on the left hand side... which requires a change in grip or again, pulling the camera away from your eye.
Then the mode dial has been replaced with something that requires a minimum of 3 actions to switch to movie mode (press mode button, press info, press custom movie mode)! Its a bit bonkers!
I used to love Canon's ergos, and the touch screen implementation is very good, but after using the Panasonic G9 its difficult going back. |