Hi. I've had a CDR-HD1500 for a few years now and it's worked fine. Ironically, having not used it for a while (about six months) due to a problem with my Humax PVR (which is the source from which I record using the Yamaha), I recently started to do so again. For a few days it's been fine.... but not now! Let me explain.
The first sign of a problem was when it refused to 'copy' to a CD-R. I had recorded a radio programme on the Humax, transferred it to the Yamaha and edited it, and then wished to write it to the CD as per normal. I inserted the disc, pressed 'copy' twice, then AMQR, and finally 'go', all as normal. Except this time after a few flashes of 'wait' it didn't start recording to dic but just went back to showing a '0', i.e. what it shows when you first insert the blank disc. Nothing will induce it to record to CD - I've tried different discs, different types of discs, with and without AMQR but still nothing.
Giving up on that, I thought that I'd do something useful until I'd figured out that problem so saved to the Yamaha's hard disc another programme I'd recorded on the Humax. I did succeed in doing this, but only after the Yamaha had 'got stuck' for a while at the point I inserted a track break. I had to switch off and back on again to start the transfer from the Humax anew. Anyway, having completed the transfer, I now find I can't edit the 'disc' (radio programme) as when I entered a command the Yamaha went into a cycle of 'wait' responses that went on and on until I turned it off (per the instruction manual). The manual also helpfully suggests that such instances may indicate that 'the microprocessor is frozen'.
Apart from finding my local Yamaha service place, can anyone suggest anything that might shock the Yamaha back to proper behaviour?