Yes, in Japan, Denon have no less than three models pitched at a higher level than the DCD-2500NE - the DCD-SX11, the DCD-SX1 and the DCD-SX1 Limited:
SACD / CDプレーヤー製品 | Denon 【Denon公式製品サイト】SACD / CDプレーヤーの製品一覧はこちら。フラッグシップモデルからハイレゾ・USB-DAC搭載のモデルなどをご紹介。1910年創業のオーディオブランドDenonは、高品質を追求したAVサラウンドレシーバー、スピーカー、ヘッドホン等のオーディオ製品をラインアップしています。 www.denon.jp
- at roughly twice, three times, and four times the price 
They appear to have digital inputs (access to internal DAC), a copper plated chassis, XLR outputs, custom capacitors, further improved advanced SVH drive mechanism, even better twin shielded transformers, improved master clock etc. Probably competing with the high end Marantz players, Esoterics etc.
We're obviously considered too badly off in the UK to see those in our market  |