I concur re the Denon SACD players 
See my thread from a few months ago:
Question - New CD Transport / Player Since retirement, I have upgraded most of my HiFi system (see my sig.) to a level that I find very rewarding. However, the remaining component not yet upgraded is my CD player. The Arcam CD82 was originally chosen over 15 years ago - after a weeks testing at home against an Exposure player... www.avforums.com
After having auditioned a DCD-1600NE and a Marantz SA8005 - and after having read a stonking review in HiFi News, by Ken Kessler - I have being enjoying its big brother, the DCD-2500NE, for the past few months. Yes, much more expensive, but I haven't regretted it for one second.
As you say, feeding them with SACDs is not cheap! I've discovered Acoustic Sounds in the USA and, especially, Discogs.
Fully agree also with your observations on the amazing performance with Redbook CDs. I'm going through my collection 'discovering' detail and quality reproduction that I previously never knew was there.
Enjoy!  |