But according to what I see in one of your screenshots, from an earlier post, it is MT6735 not MT6737M which is clearly the wrong flash file for your phone, it will not work. The screenshot is a picture taken from your phone which confirms this.
but (Very important warning: Always make sure that you trust the sources of the ROM you download and know that it is meant for your device. After flashing a wrong preloader, your device will be completely dead (can't be powered on, it will not charge and won't be detected anymore by the computer) and there is no way to recover it. ) that what i do. at the first time.
What else do you expect it to say! It is warning you that if you don't know what your doing then you are going to brick your phone. Sorry but you seem to be clutching at all kinds of straws and that tells me you do not understand what it is you are trying to do.