The hype comes from the promise offered to explore a galaxy, travelling from planet to planet, encountering the unknown, something that several games are trying to capitalize on, for example Elite Dangerous and the biggest crowd funded game ever, Star Citizen, plus countless others. I imagine a lot of people (myself included) would love to play in a sci-fi sandbox on that kind of scale that offers some level of immersion. Plus the procedural tech on show with No Man's Sky was/is very impressive, however the continued delays and the fact that it appeared clear that all they had was a tech demo which they've now shoehorned a game on to, wore thin.
However, for games like Elite Dangerous (and potentially Star Citizen), the target they are aiming for is incredibly ambitious and I imagine that Elite at least will take quite a step forward later this year when they allow for multi-crewed ships, as at present the game can feel a little solitary. It still offers differing roles to play, such as mining, smuggling, trading, exploration, pirating, bounty hunting .. there are lots of different avenues that would appeal to any Star Wars or Trekkie fan, but if you are not interested in that kind of game or genre, I doubt you'll ever get the hype that surrounds titles like these.
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