Yes, but what he is suggesting is that you place the floor say 6" below ground level so although the shed is 2.5m tall you will step down into it and have 2.5m 6" headroom inside it.
I hadn't considered that and I don't think it would be worth the extra work, it would probably throw up a few challenges doing it that way plus the extra labour digging the pit and getting the muck away wont be cheap.
It really is a case of building the largest cabin I could based on planning and budget and then seeing what kit I can get inside. I've got plans to make some alterations to the purling's to get the power rack in but we will see.
I'm not sure what colour I'm going to go with just yet, I'm thinking maybe a light oak. Either way I will be going with an oil based.
The building is being delivered on Thursday the 26th and I've booked off Friday the 27th, my plan is to lay everything out and get a coat on everything before we build it, weather permitting!
I have had a horrible thought...
You've already put in "footings" that are 2' high, can you put a 2.5m building on top of that ? ie what is the official ground level at that part of the site?
I had thought of that and wasn't sure. I look on a few sites and it only mentions 2.5m Ridge height of the building being the max. My neighbour to the right of me have an out building that is 2.5m heigh but it will be higher than mine due them making the ground higher that thr building sits on. Then there are the buildings behind mine in the gardens opposite, I don't think it's a problem.
edit: I've just checked my neighbours ground level where their building is and it's actually a little lower than my base so my building will sit higher.
I can't find anything on the net that tells me if what I'm doing is OK? All I can see is that the building itself can't be over 2.5m and it won't be but I am a little concerned!
Either way I'm going to build it now, everything is paid for and being delivered, fingers crossed I'm not doing anything wrong.
This is similar to mine in some ways, the wall across the front of my base is 400mm high but the garden is on an incline and the base at the back is only approx 50mm above the original ground level of neighbours on the left. The base level now actually matches the ground.levels.of the neighbours gardens to the back of me. I think I will be fine.
Guys, I'm in two minds about doing the laminate floor. I've got 19mm T&G going down and I will have the 10mm rubber matt on top of that. Do you think this enough?
I'm going to purchase some extra bearers so that I can add extra where the rack and treadmill will go, or I could increases them across the whole floor, what do you think?