Some of you may remember a thread I started a little while ago asking for advice on a home gym build.
I wanted info on the types of buildings and also equipment and Ive now got a decent Idea of what I am going to do.
We moved into this house in November last year and the Garden looked like this on moving in.
You will see at the back of the garden there is a half built block work "shed" and also a rotten old wooden green shed.
I decided to knock these both down to make way for where the new log cabin will go.
I also decided that the paved area at the front of my garden wasn't quite deep enough, the retaining wall wasn't up to the job anyway and was leaning over so I decided to knock the walls down and dig back a meter to gain some more hard standing at the front of my garden.
I then got a brick layer in to build the new walls at the front of the garden and also the wall at the back of the garden that will be the front of the new base for the gym.
Within a couple of days the brick layer was done, the walls are complete and the new base is poured ready for the gym.
Once the gym is finished I will be decking over the crazing paving at the front of the garden and also decking around the log cabin itself.
I will also put a small 7"x 5" shed on the far right of the base next to the cabin to house the lawn mower.
That's where I am for now, I ordered the Cabin today and it is being delivered on the 26th of May. Myself and a carpenter friend of mine will be building it over the weekend of the 27th/28th of May.
This is the one I've gone for:
The is the 5m x 3m Beelonga and Ive gone for the double glazing, 44mm walls, premium plus windows and doors and the roof shingle instead of felt.
The cabin comes in at £3251.48 and should be perfect for a home gym, I might need to mess around with the purlins to accommodate a power rack but I will worry about that once the buildings up and I know what I've got.
I will update the thread once the build has begun.
I'm also eager to see the results. I've been searching for a suitable outbuilding to house my gym equipment following a recent home move. I haven't pulled the trigger yet as I have a power cage which is 2.1m tall and I can't find anything out there that will accommodate without the roof exceeding local planning restrictions of 2.5m.