I have written to the Fronius support and asked if it is possible to make a bulk upload to their Solar web, which would be great since you can store the production data to a usb stick. However the answer was, that I would have to buy a datalogger and connect it to the inverter if I want to join the solar web. Oh did I mention, that the cheapest suitable datalogger costs 500 Euro in Denmark, which I think is pretty expensive to solve a problem that easily could be solved by creating a minor software update.
Have you considered a data logger like this? Eco-Eye Products and Online Store
I think they clamp to your AC cable where it feeds into the generation meter.
Absolutely a possible solution, however I have just found out that my inverter creates a semicolon separated file which might be usable for a bulk upload.
thnx for looking around.
Production april 591,28 kWh,
equals 160,67 kWh/kWp.
Best day 200413: 29,32kWh. Worst day 100413: 4,18 kWh
18 stk Bosch 240 w panels and a Fronius IG TL 3,6
Placed in Varde, Denmark
I dont think theres much point just comparing monthly total outputs here because everyone has a different setup like which way the roof points, the inclination, the number of panels and type etc etc. Theres a site at Sheffield University Microgen (Microgeneration Data | Sheffield Solar Farm) that can take all the variables into account and log your daily or monthly output so you can compare like for like your own system with others across the UK. Using this site you can quickly spot if you have a problem with your own and thus get it fixed asap. Hope this info helps
Mine is URN 787