Hi all,
Just read this thread last night to catch up! Reason being my solar PV is being installed currently.
We have a 25kW ground mount array being installed, south facing in full view of the sun all day (not that there is any around at the moment). We were hoping to install earlier in the year, but took a while to sort planning permission etc.
Panels are JA Solar 300w and we have 88 of them! . Inverter is SMA. Looking forward to seeing some numbers coming through soon. 
We are on 3 phase supply here as we consume a lot of energy, circa 80kWh a day. We changed out heating to ground source heat pump last winter which triggered the requirement for the 3 phase supply upgrade as the pump is 15kW.
In the last year, since we installed the 3 phase, we have consumed 30,000 kWh of energy. I've recently been monitoring my house consumption to try and identify culprits (both equipment and people) and our idle is around 1.75kW when everything is shut down and I'm tucked up in bed. Currently the house is running off one of the phases of the three phase supply, but I need to look at splitting this across the phases to get the most out of the generation as we will be generating across all 3 phases.
We will be looking to add batteries in the future, but it seems at the current cost, the ROI is around 10 years which is roughly their expected life span, so not beneficial it would seem. Plan is to monitor consumption and generation between now and late summer and then use this information to try and determine best course of action for batteries and when they will become economically viable.
I've been using eMonCMS with eMonTX and EmonBase open hardware to monitor my usage currently. Not sure if any of you have looked into this, but it's pretty groovy stuff if your into this kind of thing. The graph below shows our usage across the 4 consumer units we have on the house / garage. This is without the heat pump as that isn't monitored currently. I've just ordered another 2 x emonTX devices to monitor the total 3 phase supply and the 3 phase generation.