Oh to be a fly on the wall in tory head quarters from what I heard on the radio today, this was a last minute bolt on (would never have guessed!)
I would imagine that the cap will be incredibley complex as it will need to take into account assets, savings and value of your property.
To make it fair to the poor but not overly against the rich a sliding scale would be needed say 500k dropping to 50k.
Percentage wise the poor will lose a larger chunk, but then the rich will lose vastly more money.
Naturally neither side we be happy.
What will make or break this policy now is if may is forced to give a figure on the cap. It will be a very long few weeks for her now
Then again the poor might be better off with this cap if your house isn't worth much. In that case they will keep a larger percentage.
Like so much in life, it will come down to where you live |