Labour doesn't need to talk about Brexit at the conference, many more battles to come in Parliament over that. Labour is on a General Election footing, gambling on the overall Labour outlook and policy platform winning over voters. The Conference is the best place to present it and mentioning Brexit will get in the way. This is all about spin.
As for McDonnell, he will likely be factoring in a worst case Brexit scenario into his planning in private or one would hope.
The City is always scared of Politicians who want to change the direction of travel on a radical policy platform. I'm not underestimating the dangers of what he's proposing to do either. It would be a recipe for a very short Corbyn led Government if he does it in a rush and not over a period of time to ease the City into it. These are not exactly new Labour Policies either, a lot of what Corbyn is championing has been lifted from Ed Miliband.
We are not in rational political times, so you have to expect that voters who are sick of Austerity and so on will go for Labour even if it might not be in the best interests of the country (depending on what your view point is). Or they may not go for anyone and stay at home. |