To cut a long story relatively short.... Last year I suffered a heart attack, I had a stent fitted (which probably saved my life) followed four weeks later by what turned out to be a triple heart bypass. Because of my job (see avatar) I was unable to work until I had passed a stress test and I chose to have a stress echo cardiogram. Now I had to pay for this as i'm self employed even though the licensing authority need it they don't pay, but it would allow me (once I passed) to have my hackney carriage license reinstated. It cost me £500 (one unfortunately cannot have this done under the NHS) when I was obviously not garnering any income at all. So times were tough to say the least not only from a health perspective but also from a pecuniary point of view.
Whilst off work, which amounted to over seven months because I wanted to make sure I would pass the stress test first time (also one can't have any stress test from at least three to four months after the operation and not the attack itself) I was entitled to income and support allowance from the DWP.... the Department of Work & Pensions. This massive amount came to just under £3000 for the whole seven odd months. When I had passed my stress echo and my hackney carriage licensed was reinstated (thank heavens ) and I informed the DWP to stop the payments I received a letter from them letting me know that I may be taxed on this amount when I submit my profit and loss accounts (tax returns) . As i'm 65 now I will also have to pay tax on my state pension as it is seen as an income as I am still able to carry on working and if my taxable profit, after business expenses, comes to £11k or more. IMO it's sooo wrong as i've paid "in" for over 47 years. All I can say is at least I have my life back, the greatest gift of all, and i'm still here for my two daughters and i'm able to give wifey many, many more years (hopefully) of complete aggravation plus I am fortunate enough to be still earning an income once again at "official" retirement age, although I can't actually afford to retire yet. Anyway have you seen the Jeremy Kyle show, once you've seen one you've seen them all.... it's brain destroying.... sheesh. 
When I see what is happening and what is going on (and let's face it has done for many, many years) by those who are wealthy including certain actors who bypass (oops excuse the unintended pun ) the standard basic tax system altogether it really makes my blood boil... er... without giving myself another heart attack. They are depriving hospitals, schools and other essential public services their means of funding from the public purse .
I hope none of these people or those high earners working for multinational companies need (like I did) an emergency life saving operation, although i'm sure they can afford private health care so why should they worry or concern themselves..... Well I bet they're worried and concerned now. David Cameron said "we're all in it together" hmm I don't think so, gimme a break are you 'aving a larf. One never knows what's round the corner though.  |