Depends on the definition of poverty, if it includes "can't afford fags, can't afford massive flat screen TV, can't afford and Xbox and a Playstation, can't afford two holidays a year, can't afford a full Sky package"
I was in Currys recently and heard one of them poor people asking for a 4:3 black & white TV set, he was very insistent on it not having a remote either as he needed the exercise to keep warm and lose weight at the same time.
Strangely, they only had large flat screen TV's, he left in disgust with a wind up radio.
My definition of poverty is something experienced in Dar-es-Salaam. On my way to work one morning stepped round a dead body of a child who died of starvation on the city street that night. The collection lorry doing the rounds of the streets hadn't arrived yet.
Funny the differences a definition can have depending on life experience and mindset.
Not getting at you Goooner, just making an observation.
Around my way we have some very bad unmade roads with massive pot-holes, but with £1M houses on either side.
Are we the only country in the world that celebrates the private unmade road as a status symbol? Just reminds me of Africa and my passengers know they can expect another rant from the driver
The Tories tried to redefined poverty in 2015 but dropped the attempt after much opposition.
The number of people considered in poverty has increased, the number of children in poverty increased by 250,000 last year according to the Independent based on a HMRC report.