The fear we had / still ought to have, about nuclear war, is a very different situation to what the Israelis fear and face.
In terms of the possibilty of nuclear war, that would be the result of a world conflict gone wrong and it would pretty much be an end of civilisation. Fairly unlikely but so awful we prefered to be in denial of it. But we weren't at serious risk or in fear of hostilities breaking out against our island, short of nuclear attack. As for terrorism, statistically it was so unlikely you'd be caught up in it outwith hotspots of N.I. you could effectively ignore it.
The situation with Israel is quite different. They are surrounded by states and/or peoples, who want them gone and many of whom harbour a deeply ingrained hatred towards them for what they are. They have had to fight wars of national survival before and fear it happening again. The prospect of nuclear war remains remote, even in a scenario of another war, yet that too, is a possibilty. They also live with a high incidence of terror atttacks, particularly in border areas of that small country.
Being so small, so surrounded and so hated, the prospect of future invasion by massive combined miiltary forces, even with conventional warfare methods, remains large in their minds. That and the likely treatment they would suffer in the event of being overrun. This, is a quite a different situation and feeling, to what we in the UK faced. |