A generation of kids who are brought up told they can be anything if they really want it, a culture of no competition and everyone's a winner, where a degree is a road to riches and the high life (plus you're all so smart with your record exam results), or at least an interesting one where you can have a stake in society ... have come home to roost.
The reality being a job in a shoe or chicken shop at zero hours, with a feeling of little control of your life's journey can lead to huge dissatisfaction. So when someone tells you, that you are special (like everyone has been telling you since you were a kid) and society is to blame but we have a new one where you will be judged on religiousness (piety), and rewards will stem from that, rather than the 'rigged' system of capitalism in the west. One where every day is a combination of calm contemplation and prayer, and adventure firing big ass guns and stabbing people in hand to hand combat. Both to prove yourself to god and earn your stake in this new society.
This is probably why there is such a draw from the educated or at least those in degree education, it dawns on them that the promises, the implied contract they've got with society is a load of bull (the downtrodden already know whats ahead of them). They'll get a sh*t job and toil for years, while not having a pension in the future the more immediate problems of having to live at home and not being able to find a partner, with pressure from parents on both fronts and society/advertisements/media telling you a different narrative that challenges your parents.
I think the reason we don't see this from any other groups is that everyone else gets sh*t faced on a Friday/Saturday to let off steam, forget how crappy reality is verses the promise, with plenty of comrades of your age living through the same slog, never mind the potential of bagging a partner (for however brief) in the meat markets. When your sanctioned outlets are curtailed by religion it seems you ironically turn to it for strength (as seen the world over and throughout history).
When it comes to whole families and in particular led by females, it may be down to the piety and the west's 'corrupting ways', the last thing they'll likely be leader of going to IS ironically. Younger females may be drawn to the guaranteed life, a husband and a structure, non of the difficult decisions the west forces you through with its 'fake' freedoms, just a women's place in the tradition of cooking and cleaning and baby making as God intended. |