and I am sure you will agree, that it is also politically expedient for supporters of other parties to:
a) promote the issue of anti-semitism in the Labour party.
b) promote the perception/maintain the confusion over Jeremy Corbyn potentially being an anti-semite.
with (a), you are quite right that the way they have handled this situation is their own fault.
It is often the case that that left of centre parties, due in no small part to the intrinsic nature of their own political ideology, will put or become embroiled in internal ethical arguments/conflicts even at the expense of destroying any chance at gaining political power.
The Tories are not immune to such situations, such as on the current issues of Brexit and religious issues that impinge upon Christian values/Traditions.
However, the occurence of such issues is less frequent and more narrow in scope, along with a more 'conservative' natural attitude towards protecting the establishment, the party and tradition from criticism lest it/they lose the public's trust in and respect for those institutions.
In essence, in general/on average the Labour party has a bias towards ethics over institutions, while the Tories have a bias towards institutions over ethics. |