BF's latest BS ...
(BF was formed by breakaway holocaust denying BNP organisers)
From: Britain First [email protected][/url]>
Sent: Saturday, 31 January 2015, 10:09
Subject: Jewish community "Solidarity Patrol"
The Jewish community in Britain is coming under sustained attack from Islamic extremists who are appeased by the authorities and politicians.
In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, many Jews are fleeing Britain in fear of their lives.
We are all aware of the anti-Semitic and anti-Christian verses in the Koran and the hostility to Israel and the Jews within the Muslim community in Britain.
Britain First will not tolerate a peaceful community being attacked or chased out of our country by Islamic extremism.
Unfortunately, the authorities, the police, the media and the politicians seem only to want to ignore this problem and turn a blind eye.
Britain First has a proven track record of opposing and confronting Islamic extremists, terrorists and hate preachers and this is why we have started our "Solidarity Patrols", starting in Golders Green, London.
Watch the full video report here:
Yours sincerely,
Paul Golding
Leader, Britain First
HOTLINE 0208 914 8212
Similarly ... BF frequently attack Muslims for homophobia - despite defending the B&B who turned away a gay couple, condemning equal marriage, and referring to gay men as sodomites  |