I haven't ridiculed anything, mine wouldn't wear reins, consequently they walked the non road side when young, I managed that with a pram too. Yes, at times it was farcical, however life with toddlers is often an experience a parent will never forget. Your never ever going to train a toddler to obediently walk or behave like a dog. The suggestion is daft.
Back to the point at hand, discipline of children, you'll never, ever get a toddler to be compliant, now some parents may resort to a short sharp smack, this has been deemed illegal. Will this stop the horrific abuse that children have to suffer day in day out. No. Familial breakdown, has a far greater effect on children being subject to violence and abuse at the hands of broken parents and step parents. Do we encourage family units to stick together, nope we pay parents to separate thru the benefits system. Personally I'm quite lucky, my girls are relatively compliant and they are past the age of using corporal punishment.
However I can see how some may feel they have to. How much discipline do you think these children joining the street gangs have had, non. That's why they'll cut and gut an adult especially someone like yourself in the blink of an eye.
You can quote as many figures as you like, my own personal view is, life is a risk and mitigating that risk is your own personal responsibility. I was taught the green cross code, which basically meant roads, playing near roads wasn't a good idea, not now, not ever.
Now we have 20mph zones. Shifting the liability onto the car driver. I personally I think altruistic motivations take away form the marginal utility of using motor vehicles. Cotton wool generation. |