And those same qualities are shared by those now attacking Watson, if he wasn't deputy leader of the Labour Party I doubt they'd be attacking him, it's party politics at it's very worst. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this - CSA will impact upon every Political Party. Tom Watson was one of the MP's who called for Janner to be investigated.
The allegations against Brittan may well be unfounded, but we will likely never know now he is dead one way or the other. You should however keep an eye on the case of Esther Baker. If her allegations are proven through the Justice system, then it will be something that may tip the scales for other survivors of abuse.
Nope, an investigation was already under way. The Met not following proper procedure however -
Police smear woman who alleged rape by ex-cabinet minister | ExaroNews
It's upto Watson if he apologises or not. I'm ambivalent about it, due to the nature of the party political attacks against Watson. Why not bring this up when he was running for the Deputy Leadership ?
Tom Watson along with a host of other MP's have been genuinely trying to help survivors of CSA, who have been ignored for years. All we've had from the previous Government (Majority Tory) is an inquiry that is still not fully up and running, after two false starts. The cynical amongst us would think that was to delay the inquiry from getting up and running before the General Election. There are also files the cabinet office are still refusing to even name, reportedly blocked from being named by Cameron and Clegg before the election. Those files have apparently been handed over to the CSA Inquiry.
Oh and the file that has been released from the Thatcher era is worth a read. There are questions about that era that need to be answered. And not because of the usual "Thatcher is evil" stuff. We need to find the truth to avoid accusations of witch hunts as all that does is protect the actual abusers facing justice. That's all I care about in the end - follow the evidence wherever it might lead. Might be nowhere or it might end up before a Jury. |