Spot on, once upon a time, the class system was rigid, you were born into one class and you stayed there. There was no such thing as social mobility, and if you could better yourself your class label still stuck. Things have changed and people from working class parents can now find themselves labelled middle class (willingly or not). Breaching the barrier into Upper Class is a separate issue, so I would suggest that in that regard we still have a social elite. But the days of Upper, Middle and Working class are going if not gone in many areas. In summary, I'd say vestiges of the class system still exist, but given a few years (decades ?) it will have disappeared.
To say that the existence of 1st class travel is evidence of a thriving class society (of the kind the poll is about) would only have any credence if it involved segregation, ie refusing to sell a 1st class ticket to someone based on perceived social values e.g. a blue collar 
Of course it's possible to argue the old class values have been swept away and replaced by a new denominator ie wealth, but that would be completely different to the Class system Nabby is interested in researching. I haven't voted because I don't think I fit any of the categories, but no doubt I am labelled middle class by others. |