I am in the same kind of predicament -being a die hard daredevil and batman fan, but dropping all my comics purchases around 7 or 8 years ago and only recently started grabbing Daredevil back issues (around £120 and counting over the last few months).
The iPad was the big change for me. As part of my 'not buying comics' I actually picked up some of the Gitcorp collections after a mate bought me the x-Men for my birthday about 5 years ago.
The iPad came, and now I have a massive collection to read and with collections like Civil War (I do have a point, honest!) and Ultimates, the reading order of 40 years of series is really doing my bean in. 
I had intended to try and read the whole Civil War run, and still have the pile from a teacher at work, but am struggling to be honest, some of the story with the smaller groups is filler in my opininon, and I think anyone wanting to read more than just the seven main issues should stick to the main heroes such as x-men, spiderman, iron man etc.
There is also a huge storyline before this, which is what Newman mentions in an earlier post, and this helps you understand why the opening scenes of Civil War have the x-men being watched by sentinels.
I personally intend to read the first 100 or so of Iron Man, Spiderman, Avengers, Fantastic Four then skip all the badly drawn and crappy stories of the 80's and early 90's and then pickup on the arcs that Hilly mentions, before moving on to the fabulous looking Ultimate Comic graphic novels that I keep picking up in FP and Watstones before putting back down again. 
I doubt any of that helped at all........... |