It's hard to say what anyone will like it's best for people to just try various comics and see which appeals to them, some people will enjoy anything, some people only enjoy oneb of two certain heroes.
It's worth trying out the bigger names - the llikes of Batman, Superman, Iron Man, X-Men - Basically the ones which have had movie adaptations - people generally seem to settle in with these best, once you start getting into these you will stumble across comics which bring in other heroes, then you might look for their comics etc, once you get the ball rolling you will generally find yourself wanting to read more and more comics and find out more about different heroes.
The list above is looking good.
I would certainly get a copy of Batman - Year One, see if you enjoy that.
Once you get into these things you will then see what kind of things you enjoy in regards to comics - the style and feel of them, once you get that it's a lot easier to get recommendations of what you might enjoy.
As my avatar shows I'm a huge fan of the Flash - a lot of people will stumble across him if they like Superman and find themselves a copy of Superman vs The Flash. As I say, many comics link to other ones |