Some superb collections here! Some pretty shonky photos of my shelves I've just taken... whenever I try to take photos of stuff like this they always look manky (attaching them here hasn't helped as the forum software has resized them) . I moved all my books recently, putting them in a large bookshelf I had DVD and blu-rays on. It's in full view in the room and I prefer looking at the books to the dvds - plus they don't attract raised eyebrows from visitors as much as lots of dvds do! The majority of the dvds are now out of sight in another bookcase tucked away in an alcove.
A large part of my book collection are non-fiction, especially nature books that I've bought (mostly second-hand) over the last few years. I have a tendency to clear out my fiction books from time to time, giving the ones I'm unlikely to re-read to charity, so I don't have that many. Have most of the Terry Pratchett books though, the paperbacks have been re-read many times and I would have probably benefited from buying the hardbacks with the condition they're now in but haven't got any actually falling to pieces ...yet.
Have started buying Collins New Naturalist books, have six at the moment with most being second-hand out of print editions but did buy a new copy of the Waterfowl book by David Cabot. Some of them are extremely pricey now but fortunately there are cheap reprints by Bloomsbury books from the start of the '90s and I have three of those (British Plant Life, British Mammals, London's Natural History). Haven't read them yet, have leafed through British Thrushes but am currently reading an old 1963 copy of 'The House Sparrow' by J.D. Summers-Smith from the library, which is really good.