Not at all.
David Gemmell was probably the first person I was getting stuff signed from, simply because he was regulary at FP in London every September. I got into his books and had paperbacks of the first 5 or 6, and my first hardback and signing I think was Lion of Macadon back in 1990.
I went nearly every year from then up until missing his last signing the year before his death for the first Troy book as I was helping my mother in law move her mums bench from the cemetry.
As it came round to the year of his death, the signing was looking as it may be a no show, as after the book was published, he was in for a quad? heart bypass, which although he recoevered, he died a short while after.
For Pratchett, I caught him at FP mid 90's?- but his signing was in the little glass pub round from the bus stops, and I queued for ages with a bag of books.
Iggulden and Lynch I have never met, I got there books through Amazon or ebay, and Abercrombie was also at FP for his 4th book, and I got my others signed then.
I dont think I have any other book authors signatures...
The only ComicCon (it was'nt called that at the time) I went to was at the NEC in '97 to meet Terry Moore of Strangers in Paradise and Echo, where I duely queued three times to get three sketches:
I am fortunate enough to have some other sketches of Terry's as well, which I really need to get displayed, like this one: