Just thought I'd post this to get some debate going, as I've increasingly become mystified by the hype surrounding JRR Tolkein. I first read LOTR trilogy when I was 13, and I think I read it 3 or 4 times in total in my younger years. The story itself is first class, and completely broke the mould for its day, spawning endless authors and stories which are inspired by his works.
I can't disagree with that, and Tolkein's influence can be seen in many works, both new and old. Indeed, without Tolkein I wonder what the face of "fantasy" fiction would even look like now.
However, that said I recently tried re-reading the trilogy and really struggled. His writing style is poor in my opinion, his pacing and plots way off the mark, and what he really needed was a really good editor.
Honestly, I find his writing style to be very unengaging - endless description, poorly executed battle scenes, and far far too many instances of scenes (entire chapters even) which do little or nothing to further the story.
Don't get me wrong...it really is a fantastic story and what an imagination! But I'd put money on it that any publishers of today would reject a similar manuscript out of hand, simply because of the reasons above.
Of course, the books were written a long time ago when writing styles were different anyway, however the fact remains that by today's standards, the writing is - in my opinion - poor.
And has anyone tried to read The Silmarrilion 
*dons flame suit and waits for the execution squad*