My gripes, bearing in mind I had a Kindle for around 3 days:
Books open directly to the first printed page.
A kindle already removes the 'character' of the book by its very nature, offset by the portablity of having your entire library in your pocket. I dont want it to remove the front cover as well. Open a book, see the jacket in its monochrome glory, and then the first few dedication pages. An option to turn this on or off would be fine that just want to read. And yes, I know I can flick backwards to see it, but thats not intuative.
aiui, you can put books into groups or folders, but a trilogy of books that are not alphabetical will be sorted alphabetically as it has no other way of doing so. There is a ton of metadata available for books, can there not be a field or two that tag the book, ie:
The Fellowship of the Ring
META: Lord of the Rings Book 1
The Two Towers
META: Lord of the Rings Book 3
The Return of the King
META: Lord of the Rings Book 3
The if you sorted by this you would get 1, 2, 3 rather than alphabetically which would be 1, 3, 2. Again you can get round this by renaming books with a prefix, but it would be nice if a system design to carry 4000 books could do so without a huge amount of restructoring. |