I'm lucky enough to own all the 1st editions of KnightFall, KnightQuest (both The Search and The Crusade) and KnightsEnd - including all the associated Shadow Of The Bat mini-stories that tied in. Got them for £20 on eBay years ago, then when I kicked up a fuss because the seller tried to rape me for delivery charges, he refunded the whole amount(!) so I effectively got them for free... (which was nice, since I'd already owned them, but my parents threw them away when they cleared out their loft - along with what was most likely over £1k's worth of early 90's X titles, Spawn, Avengers and various others... not that I'm bitter... )
Anyway, aside from showing off, I really wanted to recommend the KnightFall/KnightQuest and KnightsEnd series (and if you can get your hands on it, read the Shadow Of The Bat stories "The God Of Fear" and "The Tally Man" - both spectacular standalones with Jean-Paul Valley as Batman).
... and he's not a superhero, he's a very naughty boy.  |