Its not bad at all so far.
Pages are set to the yellowy colour rather than white, and at around 50-60% brightness within iBooks. I enlarged the text as well by one notch and comfortably read 50 pages last night while the missus watched Lilly Allen.
I have not seen any jumbled up text either yet.
Edit: I did see jumbled text a few times after this comment. NOt huge clumps, but three to five words then nothing for a chapter or twos' worth of pages.
As for the idea of the book club, it helps me get out of my Fantasy reading which is normally my choice of poison, this particular book is all about hard men doing hard time and hard crimes and as mentioned, it was 49p.
If the next choice is something like 1000 broken Suns or whatever its called, or some tragic story of a man/woman growing up in terrible circumstances, I will revert back to my comics thank you very much.  |