*makes mental note: must add Kindle to birthday wishlist*
Seems like as good a place to start as any.....I doubt we're all gonna agree 100% on the book choice every time, and part of the 'experience' is trying out stuff that one might not choose normally.
I'm happy to make a start on this one if everyone else/the majority are too
There's not going to be a perfect choice, but that'll add to the debate when its read. As this has had a couple of shouts already and cheaply available, I'll vote for this too
Seriously though, I'm happy to read that as well. Got to finish "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" first, 30% or so in so I might need to get cracking on that.
I'm happy to give that a go as well, I've only 80 or so pages left of "Before they are hanged" so i'll be looking to start this soon before i start the next "Joe Abercrombie" book.
Should we just pick one from WibXL's list to kick things off? I think a suggestion above was to have a different member choose 3 to vote from each time, here could be a good place to start?[/QUOTE]
I think we should kick off with something suggested by Decadence as it was his idea in the first place.
Hard Landing does get a few mixed reviews but as it's only 49p on Kindle I figured I'd include it for the hell of it.
Are we going to go with the everybody suggests three books and then one person is picked and we have a vote of their three books or everybody suggests three books and then we vote on the whole list?
-Plaque of the Dead: The Morning Star Strain by Z. A. Recht (Zombie Horror) Decadence Toasty Littlesheepy Kav Fruit Bat DieEasySteve Dazimus 1LeeDenton
I've left them in reverse alphabetic order as WibXL looks to be picking first and it will make it a lot simpler to just work down the list than have to pick someone each time.
You've missed off Decadence, maybe add him above me as next pick as he started the thread.
I know what you're saying WibXL, but you've stepped up and made 3 decent suggestions, if Decadence is ok with it, you're in good standing to test the water