Good choice. Definitely not my usual choice of book but one I've been eyeing on the kindle for a while, just for the hell of it will buy it this afternoon
OK guys, I'll get my Hard Landing ordered today via Amazon/eBay
EDIT: Ordered my £0.01 copy ( £2.80 delivery) from Amazon this morning, but it doesn't look like I'll take delivery until this Friday....when are we aiming to have this book finished by again??
Having finished my previous book and knowing we were going to read "Hard Landing" anyway, I thought I'd make a start yesterday. Will save my thoughts for the review thread for the most part but I will say that it's much easier reading than Dragon Tattoo (which wasn't hard reading but I had to think now and then about who was who etc) and I've gone through 76 pages already. Seems like a fine choice so far.
I've bought it for my Android Kindle app, this is the first book I've bought for Android, at 49p it was worth a punt
So not only am I reading the club book for review, I'm also testing out my phones eReader capability. Nice to have a book with me literally everywhere I go and I've got over the fact it takes about 30 seconds to read each screen
As for the book itself, I'm 10% in and so far , will leave proper thoughts to the review thread. Will the person who writes their review first create the new thread?so good