Yeah, should have perhaps picked my words better there, what I meant was I think Khan could and should have beaten Garcia, but his shortcomings had been exposed by Peterson(who he also should have beaten ) and it was more Khans stupidity and trying to be the macho that he isn't that got the better of him.
Really who has Garcia beaten of note, twice an old and way past it Morales and Khan but I think the Khan win made him look far better than he actually is(IMO and from what I've seen of him, time might make me change my mind). There would be far more dangerous opponents at Welterweight.
Khan basically needs to avoid power punchers where he can, and if they're gifted with great timing(something that I accept is fair to be said about Garcia, he was on the button there) then even more so. Personally I don't think he'd have a chance moving up to Welterweight, such a packed division that one and would be difficult to separate the safe fights from the very dangerous ones.
Agree that a rematch with Prescott would be too big a step back, even if Prescott did get a bad decision against McCloskey. Maidana II would be a far more mouth watering prospect, but I'm not even sure if he's still in the mix now? |