I started playing when i was about 13, round about the time of the Open at Birkdale in 1991. I had managed to copy a nice swing people said. My first handicap was 14, about 18 months later.
Problem was i had a few fundamental flaws in my grip, setup, aim, and swing. These were holding me back quite a lot and i couldn't get an awful lot of consistency and struggled to get the handicap down from there. No matter how hard i had practiced, i think the best i had played for consistently well was about a week. And that was after i had learned a tip from a golf mag about keeping the right elbow tucked in backswing and especially on the downswing before impact clearing lower body (hips) through impact.
But it wasn't enough as i had basic flaws. I had got friendly with a ex scratch club pro who now played of about 5 whom i sometimes played with. And in return for caddying for him in small amateur tournaments (which i enjoyed tbh) i got a few lessons up at a local driving range when i was about 16.
I discovered i had a weak grip which only showed one knuckle on the left hand. Also i was standing closed (shut) or right to the target, so what was happening was i was throwing my shoulders over the ball most of the time (or coming over the top) which resulted in the ball hooking or slicing a lot of the time. My arms were also disconnecting a lot from the upper body so was relying on hand and eye coordination all the time which resulted in the inconsistency.
So he adjusted my grip to neutral and had me stand with my feet together hitting balls with a wedge until i learned to keep my upper body working with my lower. My stance to target was fixed to. Which felt very alien to begin with but eventually after hundreds of balls started to come together. My whole game was transformed and within a year i was down to 4.
Unfortunately i started drinking at weekends/girlfriends etc and started playing less and less and missing weekend medals etc, stopped playing in the club team. But even though i played an average of once a week my swing was pretty tuned up i could still get around in the low to mid 70’s depending on the short game. But in 2003 stopped playing altogether unfortunately but would like to start playing again soon.  |